Sunday, April 19, 2009

Homelessness in Nashville 2008

Get the facts!  View the video by clicking on the title.  It will take you to YouTube where you can view it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to invite our class to watch this video as well

The prodigal son is an excellent example of how to treat the homeless; they are to be greeted with joy, served the finest (not our food leftovers), and clothed like kings! The prodigal son does not get a lecture (words); he is the recipient of benevolent, over-the-top action.

We are definitely NOT to have two sets of giving as Christians (members vs non-members); we are to give in the degree required (as in the story of The Good Samaritan who paid (with $) the bills required to heal a man) PLUS not favor certain persons above others.

Let us have a genuine care for the recent and chronically poor, single parents, widows, physically challenged, and mentally disabled that are in OUR corner of the world. Our witness overseas is tarnished when our own corner of the world is overlooked.

Let us also remember the passage about Jesus feeding the 500 and 400. He did not allow his own apostles to send the people away; he chastised them for having little faith in God's ability to meet the physical needs of people. And then he said: Watch and do as I do...bring me the baskets, put in the fish, feed the people. And there was NO LACK. Then he did it a second time with 400, to cement the act into their memory. When the apostles couldn't heal, Jesus chastised them in the same way: It is because you do not have enough faith. Lack and thoughts of lack are human, they are not of God.

If we only attempt the things WE THINK we "know work"... we've left GOD out of the equation. God does the miraculous. Churches do get a reputation for having/not having items; we may be perceived as a church that "doesn't do that" from our signage and what we have on hand. This can be remedied, however.

The pastor's story about having the right clothes at just the right time, could be happening every week. But, we must collect the clothes first. And we must not be stingy with dispersing them, for that negates the prodigal son story. A feast means canned foods in abundance dispensed freely and meals prepared for the homeless, just like we do for ourselves Wed. night.

What a great witness it would be to have a visible food and clothing pantry that meets our community's needs. And the overflow can go to women's shelters throughout TN that have plenty of unmet needs for things that cost money, as well.